Small Medium Buildings

Places of Worship and Museums

Protect history and cultural heritage sites as well as places of worships and Museums and their valuable interior.

Light Medical

Modern medical laboratories and hospitals use a range of gases which can cause both immediate and long-term risks for patients, visitors and the staff. Medical gas detection systems aim at controlling insidious leaks of gases that often have no taste, color or smell.

Light Industry

The consumer good industry or light industry as well as laboratories are not less complex than any heavy industry.

Commercial Offices

Most commercial buildings require throughout Europe a fire alarm systems to protect its users and visitors as well as neighboring buildings in dense areas.

Park Garages

Underground Parkings can be a toxic environment, not only for the people who work or enter these facilities, but also the building that are usually on top of park garages.

Server Room

Nowadays data is next to the human being one of the most valuable assets of various modern enterprises and businesses.